Focusing On You
Lioness Life Coaching
The areas I cover include
Accomplishing Goals
This is at its very core what life coaching is about. You tell me a goal and I help you nail it. Through a series of lioness sessions we will work out what you think you want to achieve, what you actually want to achieve and then crucially how we are going to get there. It is always a much bigger dream than you think, your potential is infinite. It’s always a series of steps, but steps that together, we can absolutely complete, and then accomplish so much more than you thought. That is the beauty of coaching.
Are you a person that knows exactly where you want to be and what you want to achieve but procrastinates? You know your potential and you’re frustrated by never having time in your schedule to achieve all you want to be? You’ve watched others reach the pinnacle of their career and you wonder how? Then let me guide you into reaching your goals and really stepping into your potential. The world is yours you just have to reach out and grasp it.
Life changes
Have you been through a life change recently that requires a little more circumventing? People normally come to me when they are at a crossroads which I love because from crossroads we pick a path that we must walk down confidently and with our senses intact. I can be the one that guides you from crossroads to new beginnings
Where have you been hiding your light and who have you been giving it away to? Have you ever had it or do we need to dig deep together and find it again piece by piece? I understand that life can knock you to the point where getting up and walking across a crowded restaurant to use the bathroom can feel too much. Together we will walk the walk, talk the talk and get you back to exactly where you need to be. Confident, humble, modest, but succinct. That person you watch and admire for their confidence absolutely can be you.
The supposedly unachievable goal. I say this with humor because I know how hard this is to manage while accomplishing 101 different things. I’m not saying that a session with me will solve this entirely as it’s an ever-changing dynamic piece. But what I do promise you is that I will provide you with tools to give balance your best shot. By investing in coaching you are giving yourself a head start in this arena. That is a promise I can and will absolutely keep.
Happiness & Fulfilment
I want to know about YOU. Not you that’s been buried beneath titles. Not the mother, the partner, the friend, the colleague, the daughter . . . the whoever. I want to know about you. The version you’ve been hiding. Let’s get back to basics and realise who you are. It’s never too late. The time is now to really address who you are and how you want to show up in your one precious life. Like the spring season, I am here to help you unveil and discover. It’s time to shine your light and grow.
Career path
Now more than ever, I see people looking at their lives and asking for more. Perhaps the pandemic has made you question your career path, perhaps it’s made you value your current direction more and you want that promotion and to go the next level more than ever. I can ascertain and help you be more of who you already are to achieve it all. We don’t talk about glass ceilings. We smash them together.
Relationships are an ever-changing minefield. Regardless of if we are single or 20 years in with the love of our lives. Relationships with self or others is something always evolving and we may need our hands holding in changes or support in showing up in the way we want to be our best selves. I want to know if those simmering embers need igniting or if you need to learn about your personal boundaries within relationships. You can get everything you want by being yourself and learning the art of communication.
Loss & Grief
This is something I know only too well. I recognise the subtleties, the emotional intelligence that you need and the sensitivities, and of course the confidentiality that is essential around holding you in your pain. Grief and loss can be the loss of a loved one but it can also be the loss of a relationship and friendship or a version of ourselves that we once held dear. It is time to honor and let go and I will hold your hand every step of the way with kindness, humility, and some tough love when you need it.
Health & Wellbeing
This is a major focus of mine which all comes down to self-care. A pillar of my coaching practice that will become a life pillar of yours. I want to support you in making sure that your exercise and nutrition is exactly where it needs to be. Are you sleeping enough and what can we do to support you? Are you making the right choices? Are you moving your wonderful body enough? Emotion needs motion and I’m a massive advocate of listening to our bodies and using them properly, making it a daily habit so that you have a strong body and strong mind.
Let’s start a conversation
If you’re interested in my Life Coaching Service and want to discuss this further please get in touch