Are You A Festive Procrastinator?

How many of us subscribe to the ‘new year new me’ crowd? How many of us have signed up to expensive gym membership, bought all the gear and then by February have slipped back into old habits?

This time of year is a perfect time for putting things off. I’ll start my dream body in January, I’ll change my desk job in January, I’ll tackle those relationship issues in January . . . we can’t possibly start all this before Christmas. Sound familiar? Don’t you just love a festive procrastination?

I really do understand. With social diaries being the equivalent of human Jenga, the last-minute sprint to complete professional targets and financial commitments to Christmas, sometimes it hard to see the wood for the trees. But I assure you, there is no better time to start than right now.

I recently saw a fitness guru explaining on Instagram that people put on an average of a stone in weight during the festive period and then have to work doubly hard to work it off once they apply themselves in the New Year. Why not start now? Be consistent, and cancel those calories out so that when January rolls around (literally) you’re starting from base point?

The same theory can apply to your mental health and the mental weight and worries that you might be carrying. Think of all the things you know you need to tackle but tell yourself you’ll look at in January. Changes in relationships, physical environment, career, decision making . . . the list goes on, but again, don’t wait.

Imagine having more clarity over your life, treating yourself with kindness and respect and creating healthy boundaries within all your relationships. Imagine feeling happier, more aligned, healthier and with more energy and a clearer mind.  Imagine designing your life in such a way that you create the life you have always dreamed of.

When you put it like that, it becomes less about leaning into procrastination, and more can I really afford not to invest in myself and my personal development? Can I really afford to wait? This is how 2022 and the rest of your life can look. Why would you not want to start now?

Anyone that is considering coaching or is simply curious I suggest giving me a call and booking in a chemistry phone call. It might not be for you, but it might be – you really have nothing to lose.

So, this season consider coaching as a gift to yourself or the people you love.  You will be gifting them with direction, joy and headspace and there is no greater gift to yourself than the gift of understanding self with clarity and compassion.


In the pursuit of defining your values?


Post Covid Burnout