Protect Your Precious Energy

Your energy is the biggest currency you have.  Having an abundance or lack of energy can seriously affect how you live your life.  From your physical and mental health to the way you show up in all your relationships.  It can be the difference between maximising opportunities and letting them pass you by because you simply don’t have the capacity.

The general consensus is that we are all feeling a bit depleted at the moment.  We are coming out of the first quarter, which is renowned for being tough with the aftermath of December, tax returns, and getting summer holidays booked in.  Our media has not helped, from the threat of WW3 to rising living costs, it enough to wear even the most robust of us out.

I have certainly been feeling it, so I have been doing exactly what I prescribe my clients; self-care, self-care, more self-care and compassion.  There have been small shifts, and I know over time these will grow, but it does take patience and dedication.  Be gentle with yourself as you make life changes, Rome was not built in a day.  In the process, I have cut out alcohol, I have been exercising much more, I am watching my diet, bought new wonder supplements, I am attempting to limit my screen time (tricky when so much of my work is around social media) and doing all I can to influence a good night’s sleep.  But why do I still feel so tired? 

Interestingly, I spoke to Katy Meade-King, Healer, Medium and Spiritual Teacher (please look her up, she’s wonderful in every way who reminded me that Spring is actually a time of year that is very high energy with natures renewals, new life and growth after the still of winter – that energy has to come from somewhere so its easy to feel drained.  If you think about it in our not-too-distant past, before central heating and electricity, we as a society would have been very led by the cyclical seasons, so this makes sense if we are emotional effected by the change in seasons.

This all makes a lot of sense, but I also want my clients and readers to take this one step further and to start viewing energy like currency.  You certainly don’t spend all your money in one go, some of us save it and some of us deliberate over what our money should be spent on.  We don’t waste it, we value it and if we part with it, then it should be earned.  So this week if someone is asking to borrow your energy view it in monetary terms.  Do you have it?  Can you afford to give it away?  Is it a good investment that you will see a return on?

If a friend came to you and said I need to borrow £1,000, you would probably say something along the lines of, ‘I would love to help, but I just don’t have it. Perhaps I could lend you £100 in a weeks’ time if it helps.’ You wouldn’t have any fear over saying no to something that wasn’t possible – the same goes for your energy and what you have ‘banked’ at that point in time.

In fact, boundaries can look like verbalising that you are also going through a difficult time or a shift in circumstances, and so can’t be there as a shoulder that day/time/week/year.  You don’t have to explain yourself or go into detail.  It simply is what it is. When you’re in a position to give more you can and you will, but water yourself first.

Having emotional boundaries doesn’t for one minute mean you don’t care, its just what is possible for you at that time.  It doesn’t mean for one second that you don’t have compassion for fellow humankinds’ sadness, pain, bad luck, anxiety or troubles – it just means that we don’t take on another’s problems as our own responsibility to fix or solve


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