How to live an awesome life . . .

We all dream of living our happiest lives with more connection and depth. We all want to build fulfilling relationships with others and ourselves especially. I’m going to share some foolproof tips with you on how to get it.


If you want to look and feel better than 80% of the UK population, exercise and be mindful of your nutrition. Not only will you look better but you’ll feel better by hitting the gym regularly and taking care of yourself.

You don’t have to live in luxury to have a luxurious lifestyle. Buy less but buy the best of what you can afford. Light an amazing candle, have one glass of the best wine, buy organic when you can. Treat yourself regularly in little ways. Create a life you don’t feel you have to holiday from.

Stay committed to what you say you’re going to do even if you’re just saying it to yourself. Every time you let yourself down you teach yourself not to trust yourself. You let things slide that are important and spend valuable time procrastinating. All this can be avoided by practising discipline for the greater good.

Control your actions and reactions. You can’t always control what is happening around you but you can attempt to control how you react. I said to one client of mine recently. ‘Do you want to pour water on this situation or petrol?’ It changed her approach to everything.

Try a me vs me attitude. There is always going to be someone more successful, wealthier, better educated and more attractive than you. Don’t compete with others, compete with yourself. That is when you get great results. It’s me vs me every day and I can’t wait to see what I can surpass tomorrow.

Swap bad habits for healthy. Quit that Netflix marathon for more sleep, that toxic relationship for a business mentor, junk food for learning a recipe. Stop blaming others and focus on accountability and positive change. Small shifts in the present moment can cause huge shifts down the line.

Practise daily gratitude. If you have a roof over your head, food in the fridge and people that love you, you’re already doing better than so many. Take ten mins when you wake up or go to sleep to list all the ways in which your blessed. Grateful people are happy people.


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