My Biggest Wish For You

My biggest wish for you is that you emerge like a butterfly in the next couple of months, as we dance through and then close down the beautiful month of spring. This is going to be an opportunity to really stand in your power, acknowledging how far you’ve come and be really proud of all the efforts you’ve put into your life despite the trials you’ve been through. It’s time to acknowledge all that you are and all that you will be. As I set this intention and you read it on this screen, and so it shall be.

I think sometimes we all find life a little challenging. Especially during January and February as we recover from the past year and make plans for the new one. Which is why I often remind my clients to stop, look back and acknowledge how far they’ve come. Where you stand today is not where you were 6 months or even a year ago.

What have you learnt along the way and what are you most proud of? What bumps in the road did you think it wouldn’t be possible to navigate and yet you did. What toxic behaviours or people have you kindly left behind? What new energy have you invited in? Some things go and are replaced by new ones. You are no longer the same you of last year. We are not standing still we are always evolving even if day to day we don’t notice the little shifts.

What is your biggest wish for yourself in the next couple of months, 6 months, a year, 5-10 years? Perhaps this weekend start brainstorming what that might look like for you. You can be as fantastical and as wild as you like. It’s your life and your story so you may as well make it an exciting one.

I often use the notes in my phone or brainstorm but I know some of my clients prefer journaling, keeping a diary and for those who are more creatively visual, there’s mood boards or even Pinterest. Basically, there is no right or wrong way of doing these things, as long as it resonates with you. Just please get those goals and wishes down so that you have a plan to offer up to the universe and can feel like you are on the right track.

This week I had a catch up with a dear client I was working with during the mid to latter part of last year. I was so impressed with her discipline, her self awareness and the fact she had kept on track with the tools I had provided her. Her dedication to her self care was so great that she sounded like a different person. She had single-handedly boosted her self esteem over time by prioritising her mental well-being, her physical being and therefore sounded and felt stronger in her own skin and more prepared for whatever life may throw at her.

At times the inner critic continues to pop up but she is kind, calm and patient with herself and when things don’t go to plan she forgives herself and is able to move quickly forward. I couldn’t be more proud of her.

This could be you too. In just 8 sessions with me, and continual dedication from her, this client now speaks to herself with compassion and understanding. Something that wouldn’t have felt possible at the start of our journey together. The work we do and the tools I provide really do change mindset.

If you are reading this and curious about what the next chapter of your life might look like and feel you would like some support, please do reach out and together we can get you to a place of self reliance and brilliance that you wouldn’t have dreamed possible.

Remember it is only you capable of bringing, peace and prosperity into your life. Invest in yourself, make a plan, set your life goal intentions and be unapologetic about who is allowed a seat at the table and access to your beautiful energy. Trust the process and give yourself up to all the universe has planned for you.


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