Self Compassion

So how are you holding up there kiddo? September is an exciting time and thankfully we have sunshine today, but it’s also back to school, back to work, new routines, new hurdles new demands.


This is why I want to talk to you about love. When we operate from a place of love, rather than stress or fear, we gain. Love for others of course, but mostly love for ourselves. I saw this wonderful quote recently, ‘Others love feels wonderful but it needs to be the icing on the cake, not the cake itself.’ How very true.

The definition of self-compassion is treating yourself as you would a dear friend that needs understanding and care. Perhaps they’ve failed at something and need reassurance rather than being harsh in moments of vulnerability. It’s trusting that you can be there for yourself no matter the circumstances.

When we have developed self-compassion it becomes our superpower. It will help inform your boundaries, it will help you prioritise your health and it will become your superpower. It also becomes much easier to pay attention to when you are depleted and stressed, an internal warning button that will help you approach life’s challenges in a constructive way.

I want you to make mistakes, it’s part of being the glorious human that you are. It’s how we learn and grow but I also want you to employ self-compassion when you make them. Self-compassion will develop your understanding of self and will make it easier to accept change and even perhaps our shortcomings, learn forgiveness for ourselves and others and will fortify our self-respect.


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