Time for a shake up - Sex, Friendships, Career . . . Everything!

Is your current life your favourite worn in cashmere or are you looking for new material?

Sometimes life can feel ever so comfortable. Comfortable lounge wear, comfortable slippers that your great aunt Doreen bought you in 2007, comfortable job - you know how everyone takes their tea AND their menstrual cycle, comfortable friends that you tag in from nursery pictures (you’re 43) and comfortable missionary sex with a partner that feels like a flat mate. It all sounds so cosy. Mazel Tov

Is this what you want?

If this is what you want then I salute you. You have found the holy grail of comfortability and happiness and I’m thrilled for you and your well trodden path. I’m truly not being facetious, I think this is completely wonderfully settled peace and calm. Really . . . mazel tov.. Also you may leave now. This blog post is not for you . . .

If this is not you . . . Then now they’ve left, gather the troops, we ride at dawn . . .

Take five minutes to have a little think about what changes you’d like to make in your life in the next few weeks, months or even years. Then when you’re ready come back to me . . .

What do you desire? What makes you feel alive? What in the words of Marie Kondo sparks ‘joy’ for you? Send me the answers on a postcard, pigeon post, smoke signals, DM me or just tell me (because only you know) what you are willing to do to get more of those answers into your life. Because I really REALLY want to know!! What actions are you taking? What well trodden path are you dismissing and what does the new path look like? Where will it lead you and what do you want from your next adventure?

I want this next phase of your life to be the time that you cause a commotion within the current restraints of your life. Not like when Britney shaved her head, or when Tom Cruise jumped on Oprah’s couch (eww), but in the interest of prioritising your wants, your needs and your happiness. What does that look like for you? When it starts to feel possible to you, notice your energy and the effect it has on your mind and body. Where do you feel this excitement in your body?

Does it mean that you are no longer willing to have the same boring conversations with the same circle of people? Do you join a new club that enhances your interests and opens up your social life? Does that mean swapping your current career path for something that changes your horizon and your life for new opportunities? Or perhaps it’s skipping out of your monthly missionary sexual appointment and changing things up a little through being bold enough to change the dynamic and explore your sexuality with your current partner or a new one? Variety is the spice of life after all.

What will you be saying yes to and what will you be saying no to? What emotions are you prioritising? I hope whatever choices you make going forward you certainly make sure that it sparks joy. My biggest wish for you is that you feel alive and you are open to new experiences and a new version of what you and your new life dynamic may look and feel like.

Working with a coach can help you with all of the above and then some. Investing in yourself and sharing the load, the love and the newfound adventures with someone you trust and who truly wants the best for you can really enhance your experience. Let me help to explore YOU. Let’s explore your values, your needs and where you are currently giving your power away and to whom. You might know what you want, but I know how you’re going to get it.

Please do let me know if this has sparked joy for you or if you are interested in learning more about how I can help you and steer you towards shaking things up in your best interests now and for your fun filled future.

I wish you rebellious joy in causing that commotion.


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