Underestimating your intuition will cost you later . . .

The people we surround ourselves with are so important. Our circle has the power to lift us and inspire. Get this right and you can move mountains, get this wrong and it can be disastrous.

Do you need to do some spring cleaning when it comes to the people you surround yourself with? Are you participating in a dance with someone long after the song got tired? Do your relationships feel safe and secure? Are you sure of the people in your life and their intentions toward you? Don’t forget, when people show you their red flag you have every right to show them your white flag and peace out.

When you decide to walk away or cut ties, you may do so in a number of ways. Perhaps it’s a conversation, perhaps it’s a goodbye text, perhaps it’s nothing at all. You have to choose the method in which you can handle and in which you feel most safe and mentally well.

In cutting ties you are saying so much even if you don’t have the strength or patience to verbalise it. You are saying you no longer have time for deceit, false explanations, drama, or manipulation. You are saying I am honouring myself in this moment, I am choosing peace, I am choosing me and this energy doesn’t serve me anymore. You are the only person you have responsibility to in this moment. Honour yourself.

This has been my theme of the last year and it’s not been easy. But as I approach my next turn around the sun I look back at this year and I can smile. It’s been very tough at times, I’ve had to cut ties with people that I thought would be in my life forever, people that I loved the bones of. I’ve had to put myself first, even if it felt alien. I’ve had to have very honest conversations with myself and change my way of being entirely at times to accommodate the new person I would like to be.

This has been hard growth, at points it’s not felt fair, I’ve been terribly hurt, it’s knocked my self esteem on numerous occasions, but it has been essential. The person I am emerging into is stronger, more empathetic, less judgemental, kinder to myself, and kinder to others. I notice when people need soothing as it’s been a big need of my own which has made me a softer person. as I emerge on the other side of growth.

Where there is dark there is always light and I’ve received kindness and encouragement from the most wonderful and unexpected places. This is the beauty of life and of clearing as we make room for what is meant to be. The people that remain are solid people that remind me I am loved. They honour me, support me, know all my weaknesses, my strengths and love me regardless. It’s energy that I’m sure of and energy where I feel most safe. It’s unashamedly honest.

My friendships have only become stronger in my vulnerability. Feeling understood and protected has been the biggest gift. I no longer have an atom in my life where I feel used or taken advantage of, I simply won’t stand for it. My boundaries are iron clad. I’m not saying life is perfect, there will always be something, but at the moment I am very happy.

When you clear toxicity you are then able to make decisions based on what’s best for you and your family and you level up. The universe rewards you for being true to you. When life hiccups happen, you are then coming from a place of strength, a place with a strong foundation. You operate from a place of consistency and power, rather than depletion and anxiety. Feeling unsure of the people around you will always bring you down. It is then we make decisions out of fear and panic and come from a place of lack rather than a place of abundance that problems occur and its the opposite where we create magic.

The thing we don’t talk about enough when cutting out the toxic is the energy and time you get back. This is worth it alone. I don’t spend time worrying about something that was said or done, or the chess game being played without my knowledge, I sleep better, I feel safe, I have more energy for exercise, for joy, and most importantly time and patience for my daughter.

If you need guidance and don’t know where to start or need support in finding the strength to step away my door is always open. I encourage you to take a moment and really debate if your life would feel more comfortable without that person in it. If someone is draining you, think about what you would get back if you removed access to your energy. Life is short and you simply don’t have to entertain anything or anyone that doesn’t add or bring positivity to it.

I’m an entirely different woman to the woman I was this time last year. This is my birthday present to myself, it’s taken a lot of work but is probably the proudest thing that I can say.


Cutting out toxic behaviours for good and finding your self love.


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