You Gotta Have Faith . . .

I talk to my six year old about everything (within her understanding and maturity of course) If I’m stuck or if I have a particularly confusing situation I ask her her viewpoint. I really trust her opinion. Not only is she closest to the source, but there is no agenda and her beautiful mind has not been polluted by societal expectation or politics.


In addition, I believe she has a gift for knowing things she simply could not know. It runs in my family and of all of us I am the least gifted, but that soul intuition is there and I get it. Sadie often sees people in colours and gives me messages about the people around us, their intentions and character that I haven’t seen myself at the time but later have been proven to be true.

Don’t worry, this isn’t the shining. No ‘redrum’ or scary dead twins (plus excellent 70’s decor and a disturbing yet slightly attractive Jack Nicholson). I’m just a mother that encourages her child to be exactly who she is and to speak her mind in the moment without ridicule or fear of not being accepted.

I asked her ‘if she had one subject that she wanted to ask me about what would that be?’ Now Sadie goes to a deeply Catholic school and despite not being christened herself has taken on the bible stories and tradition with a devout fervour that I would never have predicted. To the delight of my friends and family she likes me to say ‘May the light of Jesus light a light in your heart’ whenever I light one of my Diptique candles . . . Tuberose of course.

Sadie wanted to know why God is invisible and if he is invisible how do we know he exists? Wow. Thanks kid. Let’s just start with one of the most philosophical questions we’ve all been pondering since the dawn of time. So no, understandably I don’t have the answer. I am not Plato. I am merely a life coach that wants to help and encourage you by asking the big and powerful questions. But, it did get me thinking . . .

What is it about faith that drives us? Faith is described as complete trust or confidence in someone or something and also (with religious undertones) strong beliefs in the doctrine of religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than truth. Now Sadie is a believer so she’s asking this question from a child perspective regarding God. Which may also be your vibe too of course. However, I want to talk about faith in yourself, faith in your path and faith in your environment.

How do we know that everything is going to be ok and that everything works out without physical proof. Where do we get this from? Is it something we are born with or a condition of our upbringing? Often this is described as a ‘leap of faith.’ I have long been drawn to powerful and dynamic humans that have a strong belief in their path, but how do they do it?

Knowing what I know through my personal life experience and coaching my wonderful clients, I do really believe that this can be found in all of us. First we have to look at the factors holding us back, our inner critic, the stories we tell ourselves to keep us small and safe. We need to look at where we are and where we want to go. Are you happy? Are you fulfilled in your home environment or your career? Do you have the right people around you supporting your well-being and your next move?

I also want to take this opportunity to remind you of your power. How many times have you lost faith only to find your path again? That cliche saying of looking back on the last five years and realising how far you’ve come exists because its true. The version of you five years ago would be so proud of all you’ve achieved and all that you are today. You wouldn’t be standing here, grateful for all you have now if it wasn’t for resilience and faith in your potential. Where will your faith take you next? Exciting isnt it . . .

This is what I want for my clients. To ask the big powerful questions. To remove all the rubble they’ve been hiding under. To extend my hand and pull them out of the ruins so that they can stand on their own two feet and to have a clear and succinct confidence in their path and faith in themselves and where they are going next. Partly this is achieved through owning and being proud of their story but also it’s to do with that inner confidence or inner light that says ‘not matter how dark my path might get, not matter what life throws at me, I will be ok as I have faith in myself.’

P.S Apologies if you thought this was going to be about George Michael or if I’ve put ‘Faith’ in your head (also, not sorry at all . . . Enjoy!)


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