Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when manifesting your true self.

Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

You Gotta Have Faith . . .

I talk to my six year old about everything (within her understanding and maturity of course) If I’m stuck or if I have a particularly confusing situation I ask her her viewpoint. I really trust her opinion. Not only is she closest to the source, but there is no agenda and her beautiful mind has not been polluted by societal expectation or politics.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Unrequited Love & getting over it

So, what do you do when you think you’ve found the love of your life and they don’t feel the same back? Sucks huh!? How many of us have lusted after an unrequited love for longer than necessary? Wasting time, feeling less than and hoping against hope they will learn to love us . . . no need for a raise of hands, its already mortifying enough.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Survivors Guide To Abusive & Narcissistic Relationships

We all know the tell-tale warning signs of a physically abusive relationship; the violence of it, the terror, the physically broken person, but what about the mentally abusive relationships that are harder to spot than the bruises and broken bones? These emotional traumas are real and long lasting, the scars of which can cause major damage to the person involved.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Guidance for a greater energy flow

Hot girl summer is firmly behind us, the kids are into the swing of being back to school (sort of) and you can almost smell the pumpkin spiced lattes as Halloween approaches. This also means that the days are getting shorter and that early morning start is depressing as hell. Financial belts are also being drawn tighter as christmas fast approaches. Really? Already?! Yes I know . . .

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

How to live an awesome life . . .

We all dream of living our happiest lives with more connection and depth. We all want to build fulfilling relationships with others and ourselves especially. I’m going to share some foolproof tips with you on how to get it.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Healing From Conflict

This summer has been a summer of conflict. Not only my own but people I’m close to. Glasses of wine with friends and whatsapp group chats have left us relenting ‘am I surrounded by arseholes? How could someone be capable of that? Why are they doing this to me?!’ You get the ugly picture.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Self Compassion

So how are you holding up there kiddo? September is an exciting time and thankfully we have sunshine today, but it’s also back to school, back to work, new routines, new hurdles new demands.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Protect Our Men

I’m going to kick this off by just saying that I love men. I love the way they think, I love the way they express themselves, I love their humour, their thought process and I love being around them.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Leaving Lockdown

Barely one of my scheduled coaching appointments has gone according to plan this last fortnight. Be that that clients have got muddled, double booked or I have made a ridiculous oversight myself, it’s fair to say we are all metaphorically walking through mental treacle.

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Danielle Mckenna Danielle Mckenna

Coping In A Crisis

They say that crisis brings out a person’s character and from what I’ve experienced in the last week or so I couldn’t agree more.

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